Top 10 Doctor Recommended Goals for 2020

As 2019 comes to a close, our minds turn to a new year and a new decade. Without a doubt, ways to improve our health tops the New Years resolution lists year after year. Check out my Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Health in 2020 and choose one or two as your goals for 2020!

Your doctor tells you how to be happier and healthier

  1. Cut back on social media – Social media use can increase depressed mood and anxiety. In contrast, spending more time being active or face-to-face with people can improve mood and decrease anxiety.
  2. Stop all tobacco and nicotine products – Talk with your doctor about whether using a medication or therapy can help make this easier for you. The American Heart Association has great free resources available to help anyone stop smoking at
  3. Drink more water – Try drinking only water or other noncaloric drinks.
  4. Improve your sleep – Blackout curtains, turning off the phone, reading a book, and routine bed times can help. If these changes don’t work, talk to your doctor.
  5. Move more – Start at your current fitness level. . . then add an achievable goal. Next, write your goals down and keep a record of your progress!
  6. Have a mental health check-in – To begin with, many people find the holidays can be stressful. During this season, if you are feeling down, do a check in with a therapist or doctor. Remember, you can’t take good care of others if you aren’t taking good care of yourself.
  7. Practice mindful eating – Take time during meals to express gratitude and awareness of what each bite of food is doing for you. This is a mental, spiritual, and physical exercise. If you prefer, this could be a part of your religious exercise, or could be completely separate. Either way, you will find yourself becoming more grateful and happier each day, as you practice gratitude.
  8. Socialize more – Spending more time in positive social settings is a great goal. That is to say, find your tribe and build a good support system for when you need it!
  9. Eat more raw food – Make raw veggies and/or fruits, along with nuts and seeds, a regular part of your diet. Did you know that Meridian Weight can provide with a meal plan designed just for you? Check it out at
  10. Work for a cause – When you work toward a cause you not only help others, you also tend to find fulfillment and happiness in your own life.